
    Worldskills Abu Dhabi 2017: National Competion to Choose India’s Representative

    Electronics Sector Skill Council of India (ESSCI), a non-profit organization dedicated to upgrading skills in electronics sector has organized various competitions at a regional and national level to select the Indian representative in electronics skills for WorldSkills2017 to be held in Abu Dhabi. From about 1000 students from across the nation, only two students, namely Mr. Sumir Kumar Jha from MSIT, Delhi and Mr. Harsha Prabhakaran from CIT, Chennai, made it to the final round after a rigorous short-listing process. The finale to select the winner and India’s representative in electronics skill is being hosted by the Delhi Technological University, Delhi. The shortlisted candidate has been provided meticulous training in the cutting edge technologies along with the industry practice to meet the requirement of WorldSkills standards.

    The inaugural ceremony of final selection competition was held on 28th June 2017 at the senate hall of Delhi Technological University, Delhi under the auspicious presence of Prof. Yogesh Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Samsher, Registrar, Prof. S. Indu, HOD-ECE, Sh. A. Balamurugan (GM-Technical, ESSCI), Sh. Yogender Pal Singh (Expert, Electronics Skill), Mr. Naveen Kumar (Technical Consultant-ESSCI) and faculty, staff and students from various engineering colleges of Delhi-NCR.

    While encouraging the final participant for the competition, Prof. Yogesh Singh (VC, DTU) said ”The skill development is necessary for not only ITI and diploma level students but also required for college and university level students. By that means only, the Indian youth can compete globally.”

    Over the years, the selection preparation and training is supported by the Emtech Foundation, Delhi, which is the key supporting partner for the electronics skill development in Indian youth for Indiaskills/WorldSkills competition.

    ELE Times Bureau
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