
    World-First CATR Anechoic Chamber 5G mmWave Temperature Test

    Anritsu Corporation launched sales from February 1 of its Temperature Testing Option MA8172A-010 upgrade for the CATR Anechoic Chamber MA8172A.

    This new solution facilitates previously difficult temperature tests for 5G mmWave cell phones in Anritsu’s CATR Anechoic Chamber, an industry-leading chamber. The Temperature Testing Option can be either fitted at new MA8172A purchase or can be retrofitted as an upgrade to customers’ previously purchased units.

    Combined use with the Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A for 5G R&D applications and the New Radio RF Conformance Test System ME7873NR for 5G conformance tests facilitates confirmation of 5G mmWave cell-phone RF characteristics in a controlled temperature environment to help assure and improve cell-phone quality.

    In addition, continuous testing at low, normal, and high temperatures is not only linked with improved test efficiency but also plays a key role in the growing mmWave market.

    Development Background

    5G mmWave (FR2) is an essential technology for implementing high-speed, large-capacity commercial 5G communications currently being rolled-out in advanced economies, such as North America, Japan, etc. Accordingly, since R&D into mmWave cell phones and compliance testing seems likely to become increasingly important, Anritsu has developed this new solution to advance the worldwide spread of mmWave cell phones.

    Product Outline

    The small-footprint, CATR Anechoic Chamber MA8172A uses the 3GPP Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) method to perform 5G mmWave tests. Supplying cool air from an air conditioner, etc., to the CATR Anechoic Chamber MA8172A with installed Temperature Testing Option supports configuration of the 3GPP Extreme Temperature Condition test environment covering –10°C to +55°C.

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