
    New WebdynEasy W M-Bus 868MHz Wireless M-Bus Gateway

    Webdyn is launching a new gateway, based on Wireless M-Bus technology, to autonomously collect data from Wireless M-Bus meters or sensors.

    The W M-Bus point-to-point radio protocol using 868Mhz is traditionally used in Smart Metering and Smart Buildings, particularly for its relatively moderate consumption. The Wireless M-Bus is a standardized protocol. This aspect is essential when it comes to choosing a solution, as in particular, it ensures compatibility between all the manufacturers.

    This protocol is based on a private, non-operated network. In order to operate, a Wireless Mbus network requires hubs (or gateways) that allow connection between all the sensors and a remote information system.

    In a free field, the distances that can be potentially covered between a sensor and the hub are of the order of a km.

    The needs of the market are constantly changing. That’s why Webdyn has extended its range by offering a data concentrator that collects data from Wireless M-Bus meters or sensors, the WebdynEasy W M-Bus 868MHz. The WebdynEasy W M-Bus data concentrator is designed for wireless networks using Wireless M-Bus radio technology. Its main functions are the standalone collection of data from meters or wireless M-Bus sensors.

    The gateway retrieves all the data collected at a single point so that it can be sent to the chosen information system.

    This technology is energy-efficient, the hub battery service life can exceed 10 years. Webdyn has also developed the WebdynEasy application (free to download from the PlayStore) and thanks to the BLE function, configuration and installation are easier. Once installed, the product is autonomous in energy, and the deployment can start automatically or using a magnet.

    Depending on the configuration, the hub uses regular listening windows to record the frames emitted by the meters and W M-Bus sensors. The hub regularly uploads data files to the FTP server using the cell phone or LTE-M network. With this new product, Webdyn confirms its strategy to offer a complete range of dataloggers covering all Smart Grid, Smart Metering, Smart Building, and Smart Cities markets.

    ELE Times Bureau
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