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    Vishay Honors Mouser With Top Awards for Distribution Excellence

    Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry’s leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of semiconductors and electronic components, proudly announces that it has received three top distribution awards from Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., a valued partner and one of the world’s leading manufacturers of electronic components.

    Vishay named Mouser its 2022 High Service (Catalog) Distributor of the Year, 2022 Semiconductors High Service (Catalog) Distributor of the Year, and 2022 EMEA Catalog Distributor of the Year. The awards are based on a scoring system for key performance metrics such as sales revenue, NPIs and number of stocked parts. Mouser has received a long list of awards from Vishay through the years, and this is the second straight year for Mouser to win this trio of top honors from Vishay.

    “On behalf of Mouser, we are thrilled to once again to receive these prestigious awards from Vishay,” said Jeff Newell, Mouser Electronics Senior Vice President of Products. “Engineers worldwide depend on Vishay’s quality components and broad technology portfolio for their electronic designs. We are grateful for the outstanding partnership and look forward to continued mutual success.”

    “We are very pleased to award Mouser Electronics for exemplary performance in 2022. High service distribution is an important part of our growth strategy and Mouser’s continuous best-in-class service and global logistics really sets them apart,” said Bill Boldt, Vice President Sales and Marketing Americas at Vishay. “We congratulate their entire team on another exemplary year.”

    Over the last decade, Mouser has received a long list of awards from Vishay, including 2021 High Service (Catalog) Distributor of the Year (DoY), 2021 Semiconductor High Service DoY, and the 2020 and 2019 Americas Passives High Service DoY, 2018 High Service DoY and Semiconductor High Service DoY, 2017 Semiconductor High Service DoY, and 2015 North American High Service DoY. Mouser’s Europe team has received the High Service DoY for Europe award 2013 through 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2021.

    With over 50,000 Vishay products in stock, Mouser offers an ever-widening selection of the manufacturer’s newest products, from discrete semiconductors — including diodes, MOSFETs and infrared optoelectronics — to passive electronic components such as resistors, inductors and capacitors.

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