Drones – unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are of vital significance in these times. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has established rules and guidelines to ensure the safe and responsible use of drones in the national airspace.
Top 10 Drone Companies In USA
We have curated a list of top drone companies in the USA.
Hylio is a renowned player in manufacturing precision crop care autonomous drones based in Texas, USA. A leader in developing in-house software and manufacturing powerful hardware, Hylio is working on many frontiers. Hylio has also developed its flagship ground control software- Agrosol.
Drone Catalogue –
- AG-272
- AG-230
- AG-216
- AG-210
Insitu designs, develops, and manufactures top-notch unmanned aerial systems. Their software design includes – Common Ground Control Station, INEXA Control, Catalina, TacitView, and Tungsten SDK.
Product Catalogue-
- Integrated VTOL
- Integrator Extended Range
- Integrator
- ScanEagle
- Scaneagle3
- RQ-21A
- Payloads
- Alticam 14
- EO950
- Dual Imager
- NSP-5
- PT-6
Based in San Diego, California, ModalAI is a subsidiary of Qualcomm, involved in developing start-to-finish custom design services and plug-and-play computing platforms. They cater to industries like agriculture, e-commerce, infrastructure, intelligence, surveillance etc. Looking at numbers, the company holds 10+ years of experience in the U.S. robotics and drone industry with 500+ partners enabled with VOXL.
Product Catalogue –
- Development Drones-
- Starling
- PX4 Autonomy Developer Kit
- Sentinel
- Qualcomm Flight RB5 5G
- Development Kit
- Ready to mount Flight Decks
- VOXL 2
- VOXL 2 Mini
Advanced Aircraft Company
Building high-precision drones for varied applications like precision agriculture, surveying and mapping, infrastructure inspection, department of defence, site security etc. Their design philosophy is based on fast, innovative, and safe solutions. The product catalogue includes – HAMR- Hybrid Advanced Multi-Rotor that is known for high-end mobility, balance, endurance, and power, Greased Lightning – under development, is a solid solution to the long endurance VTOL paradox, with heavy aerodynamic efficiency.
AgEagle is a leading name in providing drones, sensors, and software for automated aerial intelligence. They have excelled in developing high-precision fixed-wing drones, high-performance RGB, thermal, and multispectral drone sensors, and powerful drone software. AgEagle caters to industries like agriculture, construction, defence, environmental monitoring, forestry etc.
Product Catalogue-
- eBee X
- eBee AG
- eBee Geo
- eBee TAC Government
- eBee TAC Public Safety
- eBee Vision
Cleo Robotics
Leaders in Robotic innovation, Cleo Robotics specialises in unconventional robotic systems that hold brilliance in collecting critical data in GPS-denied, dangerous and difficult-to-reach areas. Their major drive is to eliminate manned missions into dangerous terrains and build holistic drones to accomplish tasks at hand. Dronal X1 Pro is the first UAV designed specifically for GPS-denied environments.
Equinox Innovation Systems
Equinox Innovation is a prime UAV manufacturer in the USA. Their drone solutions cater to major spaces like – energy, military, telecom, public safety etc. Their drone solutions are highly known for intrinsic payload capacity, unlimited flight time, autonomous mobile landing, turnkey or modular, ultra-high network speed.
Equinox product portfolio –
- Falcon Heavy
- Falcon Hybrid- Electric
- Falcon Medium
- Falcon light
- Falcon Efficient
- Tether System
Draganfly was established in 1998, with vast experience in the field of engineering, robotics, aviation, and model building. They provide major services in areas of engineering, training, flight services, data services, spraying services and industry solutions for agriculture, environment, humanitarian, insurance, public and safety, military and government.
Product Catalogue-
- Starling X.2
- Draganfuel ignite 70cc
- Commander 3 XL
- Payloads and sensors
- Draganflyer Commander 2
Sentera an an organisation works aggressively in solving the toughest agronomic problems. Their range of sensors and drones includes- single, double 4k, 6X, 65R, DGR system, PHX. They are known for building high-performance aerial hardware that delivers accurate insights.
AeroVironment is among the top solution providers in drone technology. Their Solutions include Unmanned systems, Loitering munition systems, network connectivity, payloads, and high-altitude pseudo satellites.
- Unmanned Systems Range-
- Medium UAS – JUMP 20, T-20
- Small UAS – PUMA LE, PUMA 3 AE, Raven B, VAPOR Helicopter UAS
- Unmanned Ground Vehicles – telemax EV0, tE0Dor EV0