
    STMicroelectronics Continues to Prioritize Sustainability with Strong Focus on in Smart Mobility, Power & Energy Management, IoT & 5G

    Friedman may have written in his Doctrine—‘The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits’, but that was a completely different time. In today’s context, such a belief, while it holds true from a nothing-personal-just-business perspective, no longer can stand. Because the world has reached a point wherein a collective effort toward environmental and social responsibility is critical to ensure the sustainability of life and everything else on our planet. Therefore, businesses now, of course in addition to maximizing shareholder value, should also act in a manner that promotes the well-being of society and the environment, while reducing their negative impacts to both spheres.

    And such sustainability is a mandate that STMicroelectronics had been adhering to since the company’s inception in 1987. STMicroelectronics is a global semiconductor leader delivering intelligent and energy-efficient products and solutions that power electronics at the heart of everyday life.

    Chips and systems from STMicroelectronics, incorporating the most advanced innovations, are found in billions of products, ranging from cars and factory machines, through washing machines and air-conditioning systems, to smartphones and telecommunications equipment. Our technology helps our customers make all of these more intelligent, more energy-efficient, more connected, safer and more secure.

    The belief of creating technology for a sustainable world, in a sustainable way; prioritizing people and preserving the planet has always been embedded in the foundations of STMicroelectronics.

    At electronica India 2021 edition as well, STMicroelectronics demonstrated its state-of-the-art products and solutions in Smart Mobility, Power & Energy Management, IoT & 5G to reinforce its leadership in the semiconductor realm, keeping the sustainability of the environment as its top priority.

    STMicroelectronics deployed programs to reduce their direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from all the operations, including per fluorinated Compounds (PFCs), which have a very long atmospheric lifetime and high global warming potential.

    STMicroelectronics ensures to minimize the environmental, health and safety risks related to the chemicals and materials used in the manufacturing process, by basing the selection, handling, and substitution on precautionary principles. The company is continually reducing their water footprint through reuse and recycling and all the wastewater is treated before being discharged into the environment. They reduce, reuse, recycle or recover as much of our waste as possible, rather than sending it to incineration or landfill.

    The SDGs set by the United Nations define global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for 2030, highlighting the world’s biggest social and environmental challenges. As a multinational company, STMicroelectronics believes to have a responsibility and a role to play to help achieve these goals.

    For ST, the sustainability approach is extremely holistic. “We create technology for a sustainable world—through innovation, leading portfolios, responsible products, and unique product life cycle approach. In terms of innovation, we have more than 8,000 people working in R&D and product design. We have about 18,000 patents and are filling more than 500 new patients every year. We invested about 15% of our revenue in R&D last year. This year, it is potentially even more. We have a lot of centres to work with startups. We even have programs to host startups on ST premises. We have a lot of active R&D partnerships—more than 140—with the best universities in the world to continue to keep our leadership in terms of innovation,” explains Jean-Louis Champseix, Group Vice President, Corporate Sustainability, STMicroelectronics.

    “Embedding sustainability practices in our Company strategy is essential to our people, our business, and society at large. As a leading global company, we must embrace our role to minimize our consumption of resources, maximize value creation and partner with all our stakeholders. I am counting on everyone’s contribution to accelerate sustainability, together, explains Rajita D’Souza President, Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility, STMicroelectronics.

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     ST Approach to Sustainability

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