
    Single Chip, Multi-Protocol Switch from Analog Devices aiming Intelligent Factory Applications  

    Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) introduced on  May 11, 2017,  a Real-time Ethernet, Multiprotocol (REM) switch chip as part of its new generation of high performance, deterministic Ethernet connectivity solutions for connected motion and Intelligent Factory applications.  The fido5000, developed by ADI’s Deterministic Ethernet Technology Group (formally Innovasic), reduces board size and power consumption while improving Ethernet performance at the node under any network load condition.

    It is ideally suited for synchronised, connected motion applications such as robotics and attaches to ADI’s ADSP-SC58x, ADSP-2158x and ADSP-CM40x motion control processors bringing EtherCAT, PROFINET IRT, and POWERLINK connectivity.  Cycle times below 125µs are easily achievable and the chip comes with drivers to simplify integration with any Industrial Ethernet protocol stack.

    For Intelligent Factory applications, the fido5000 can be integrated with any processor, any protocol, and any stack making it easy to incorporate a single Industrial Ethernet interface that supports multiple protocols in any application.  Since the fido5000 is “TSN-ready” it provides a means to future-proof applications as Industrial Ethernet protocols evolve to the upcoming TSN (Time Sensitive Networking) standards

    About the fido5000 REM Switch

    The fido5000 REM switch is a 2-port embedded Ethernet switch that interfaces to any processor including ARM CPUs and ADI’s ADSP-SC58x, ADSP-2158x and ADSP-CM40x motion control processors.  The protocols it supports include PROFINET RT/IRT, EtherNet/IP with beacon-based DLR, ModbusTCP, EtherCAT, SERCOS, and POWERLINK.  The REM switch comes with a software driver for each protocol that provides an API for integration with any field device or controller stack.  The REM software driver have been certified by their respective sponsoring industry organization using ADI’s RapID Platform.

    Pricing and Availability

    Product Sample




    Price Each

    Per 1,000

    fido5100 NOW September 2017 $6.00 144 BGA

    EtherCAT Capable

    NOW September 2017 $8.00 144 BGA

    For more information. visit:

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