
    Photonic sector drives InP market with fiber optical applications for telecom & datacom

    The InP wafer market is today dominated by the high-speed fiber optic communication market, as InP is capable of emission and detection in wavelengths above 1000 nm. The InP wafer market is so largely impacted by the photonics market, especially driven by datacom and telecom applications: each market segment is using InP as a substrate for both laser diodes and photo diodes in optical transceivers.

    Driven by the 5G arrival and the impressive growth of datacom business, the InP wafer and epiwafer are showing a strong attractiveness. Yole Développement (Yole) announces a US$172 million market by 2024, with a 14% CAGR between 2018 and 2024.

    The market research and strategy consulting company Yole proposes this month a new compound semiconductor report dedicated to the InP wafer and epiwafer industry. Titled InP Wafer and Epiwafer Market – Photonic and RF Applications, this report provides a deep understanding of this industry with a comprehensive description of the applicative market segments, photonics and RF electronics.

    Yole’s analysts reveal the status of InP wafer growth and epi growth technology and analyze the powerful ecosystem with market dynamics, key players by market sizes and forecasts. Business development is not only limited to the photonic markets. Yole’s Power & Wireless team also investigated other markets including LiDARs and handset PA.
    Yole offers you today a clear picture of the InP potential and business opportunities.

    As an old but still gold-standard member of the compound semiconductor family, InP possesses the key advantages of emission and detection capabilities over 1000 nm in the photonics domain, as well as high speed and low noise performance in high-frequency RF applications.

    “Though it is often overshadowed by rivals like GaAs and SiGe for mass-volume, cost-driven RF applications, InP remains a top choice for performance-driven niche markets like military communication, radar, and radiometry, as well as automatic test equipment,” asserts Ezgi Dogmus, PhD, Technology & Market Analyst, Power & Wireless team at Yole. And she adds: “Moreover, different industrial actors including Skyworks, GCS, and IntelliEPI are monitoring InP technology for the upcoming 5G move.”

    With the requirement of more data transfer at higher speeds, transceiver technology is migrating to technology offering better rates (100GbE and 400GbE), for which InP is more favorable. The wafer market for datacom is expected to explode, with an impressive 14% CAGR between 2018 and 2024. Last but not least, exciting LiDAR applications could be promising for InP, i.e. enabling eye safety at higher wavelength, which is currently in an early R&D phase.

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