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    Mouser Wins Vishay 2019 EMEA High Service Distribution Award

    Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry’s leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of semiconductors and electronic components, is delighted to announce that it has been presented with the 2019 High Service Distribution Award for EMEA by Vishay Intertechnology, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of discrete semiconductors and passive electronic components.

    The award is based on a rigorous system where points are given for performance in a number of key metrics including sales, New Product Introductions (NPI) and number of stocked parts.

    “This 2019 High Service Distribution Award reflects Mouser’s outstanding level of service and breadth of inventory, making Vishay’s technologies and solutions more visible and available to our mutual customers,” said Philippe Masson, Senior Director, Sales Distribution Europe for Vishay. ”We are happy to present Mouser with this award and congratulate their whole team for such outstanding performance across Europe.”

    “We are honored to receive this award. We would like to thank the entire Vishay team and look forward to working together even more closely in the future. Our relationship grows stronger each year and we are proud to receive this prestigious award,” commented Graham Maggs, Mouser’s Vice President of Marketing, EMEA.

    This is Mouser EMEA’s seventh Vishay award in eight years, and Vishay also recently named Mouser as the 2019 Americas Catalog Distributor of the Year and the specialized 2019 Americas Catalog Passives Distributor of the Year.

    Vishay Intertechnology manufactures a wide range of discrete semiconductors (diodes, MOSFETs, and infrared optoelectronics) and passive electronic components (resistors, inductors, and capacitors). To learn more about Vishay products available at Mouser Electronics.

    For more information, visit

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