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    Mouser Widens Industry-Leading Line Card

    Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry’s leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of semiconductors and electronic components, further bolstered its industry-leading line card by adding 45 new manufacturers to date in 2020. Bringing Mouser’s current line card to almost 850 manufacturer partners, these new manufacturers enable Mouser to provide an even wider range of product options for its global customer base of design engineers, component buyers, and procurement agents.

    Mouser continues to focus on the breadth of its product offering, with new manufacturers in product categories such as embedded, connectors, optoelectronics, semiconductors and hardware. Among the manufacturers, many of the new manufacturers are embedded as Mouser continues to expand its Internet of Things (IoT) offerings. The global authorized distributor provides the world’s most extensive assortment and inventory of the newest semiconductors and electronic components, with more than five million products in stock.

    “We are excited to offer our customers the widest selection of the latest technologies and products from the top electronic component manufacturers,” said Jeff Newell, Mouser Electronics’ Senior Vice President of Products. “With almost 50 new manufacturers in just the first half of the year, we are committed to being the industry’s NPI leader and one-stop source for the board-level components and development tools needed for a complete project design.”

    Among the new manufacturer partners Mouser has added in 2020 are:

    • Mini-Circuits, a leading supplier of radio frequency (RF), microwave and millimeter-wave components and systems.
    • Kontron, a leading global provider of IoT and Embedded Computing Technology (ECT) and a Premier Member of the Intel® Internet of Things Solutions Alliance.
    • Amphenol i2s, a leader in intelligent sensor solutions for almost 20 years.
    • GigaDevice, a leading provider of non-volatile memory solutions.
    • Fractus Antennas, designers and manufacturers of miniature, off-the-shelf antennas for IoT, mobile connectivity and short-range wireless devices.

    For more information, visit

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