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    Mouser Electronics Named Global High Service Distributor of the Year by Molex for Sixth Year

    Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry’s leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of semiconductors and electronic components, is proud to announce that it has received the 2022 Global High Service (Catalog) Distributor of the Year Award from Molex, a global electronics leader and connectivity innovator. This is the sixth year for Mouser to win this top global award.

    Mouser received the honors for helping Molex achieve outstanding financial growth in e-commerce sales, as well as for attaining significant customer growth for Molex across the globe.

    “We are excited to receive this prestigious global award for the sixth time from Molex,” said Krystal Jackson, Vice President of Supplier Management at Mouser. “It is a testament to our strong business partnership and the dedication of our teams. We look forward to building on this achievement.”

    “Mouser has played a key role in contributing to our global success in key markets over the past year, and we congratulate the entire Mouser team on their exemplary performance in 2022,” said Fred Bell, Vice President of Global Distribution at Molex. “Molex is pleased to present Mouser with the Global e-Catalog Distributor of the Year Award, and we anticipate much-continued success together.”

    Mouser also won the Molex Global e-Catalog Distributor of the Year Award for 2020, 2019, 2015, 2014, and 2013, and earned the Americas e-Catalog Distributor of the Year Award for 2021, 2020 and 2019, and the European and APS e-Catalog Distributor of the Year Awards for 2020–2018. Molex also honored Kristina Cole, Corporate Supplier Manager at Mouser, with the Molex MVP Award for 2020.

    ELE Times Report
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