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    Mouser Electronics Named Global Electronic Components Distributor of the Year at 2022 BETA Awards

    Mouser Electronics has won the Global Electronic Components Distributor of the Year award by BISinfotech, as part of the BIS Excellence and Technovation Awards (BETA). Held on November 30, 2022, the BETA Awards recognized the outstanding contributions and innovation from India’s foremost tech enablers from the top three sectors in the country categorized under SEMICON awards, EV Tech awards, and Food Tech Awards.

    The BETA Awards is one of the most distinguished in the semiconductor and electronics industry. With the aim to acknowledge and appreciate the exceptional accomplishments in the industry, these awards honor the leaders, innovators, and organizations for their unparalleled innovations and market strategies which make them the best in the business.

    “We are proud to have received this prestigious award and would like to sincerely thank BISinfotech for acknowledging the consistent efforts of our team,” said Mark Burr-Lonnon, Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Service at Mouser Electronics. “As a global distribution company focused on empowering innovation, it is our mission to provide the best-in-class service to the makers and innovators of the tech industry by facilitating the availability of the widest range of components, and also by sharing practical expertise, tips, and advice on electronics design.”

    The award ceremony brought together the leading organizations and the most influential business leaders from India’s technology sector who are continuously helping the tech community achieve new milestones. Mouser has received the prestigious award in recognition of our globally acknowledged domain expertise in terms of exceptional leadership, vision, marketing campaigns, customer service, and supply chain.

    To see more of the awards Mouser has won, visit


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