
    Microscope Objective and Optics Positioning Piezo Stage with Nanometer Precision at High Speeds 100 μm closed-loop and 120 μm open-loop travels with custom travels available

    • High-stiffness and dynamics resulting in outstanding step-and-settle and scanning performance
    •  Variety of threaded adapters for quick and easy attachment to the microscope and objective
    •  Clear aperture to 29 mm

    Aerotech’s QFOCUS QF1 piezo nanopositioning stage offers microscope objective and optics positioning with nanometer-level precision at high speeds. With ultra-precision capacitive sensor feedback and high structural stiffness, the QF1 is perfect for demanding scanning applications, microscopy, or any optical application requiring high precision and throughput.

    Aerotech QFOCUS QF1 With Optic

    Exacting Precision
    The QFOCUS QF1 is guided by precision flexures that are optimized using finite element analysis to ensure high stiffness and long device life. The resulting design offers outstanding stiffness and resonant frequency, enabling high process throughput and fast closed-loop response. Furthermore, the QF1 has been designed to provide excellent geometric performance (straightness and angular errors) for critical microscopy and optics positioning applications.

    High Resolution and Positioning Accuracy
    The QF1 has the option of closed-loop feedback using a unique capacitive sensor design for sub-nanometer resolution and high linearity. The capacitive sensors measure the output of the positioning carriage directly, enabling superior accuracy and repeatability.

    Ultra-Precision Control
    When coupled with Aerotech’s Q-series controllers and drives, the QF1 demonstrates sub-nanometer positioning resolution and in-position stability (jitter), and high positioning bandwidth. Aerotech’s Dynamic Controls Toolbox and Motion Designer software packages provide a host of advanced yet easy-to-use tools such as Learning Control, Harmonic Cancellation, and Command Shaping, providing improved tracking errors and faster step-and-settle times. OEM drive options are also available.

    Variety of Objective Thread Adapters
    The QFOCUS QF1 is available with threaded adapters to fit most microscopes and objectives. The microscope turret mounting allows for easy and fast positioning of the QF1 at the desired orientation. The QF1 is available with a clear aperture of up to 29 mm.

    Custom stage designs, travels, and threaded adapters are available.

    For further information, please contact Steve McLane at 412-967-6854 (direct), or via e-mail at In addition, more information is available at:

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