
    Keysight awarded for innovative breakthrough in mobile technology

    Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS), a leading technology company that helps enterprises, service providers and governments accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, has been recognized by the Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) for the third consecutive year with the award for most innovative breakthrough in mobile technology.
    The innovative breakthrough in mobile technology Award recognizes the contributions of mobile operators, manufacturers and suppliers to increase mobile usage enhance the user experience and help expand business opportunities.

    It is designed to capture breakthrough technology enhancements in the mobile ecosystem. Keysight joined GTI as a member to support the organization’s goals in promoting a unified 5G standard and mature end-to-end ecosystem, as well as explore cross-industry markets and opportunities.

    Since its launch in 2017, Keysight’s 5G network emulation solution has been adopted across a global ecosystem of mobile operators, test labs and makers of chipsets and devices to accelerate the commercial deployment of 5G multi-mode devices in different form factors. The solution enables users to validate the performance of 5G devices such as smartphones, tablets and consumer premises equipment (CPE) across the product workflow. The single solution platform supports all 3GPP-defined frequency bands and the latest 5G new radio (NR) standards.

    “Keysight is honored to again receive GTI’s Mobile Technology Award which reflects the trust and value our portfolio of test and measurement solutions have in an industry making innovative leaps in 5G and other cutting-edge technologies,” said Kailash Narayanan, vice president and general manager of Keysight’s wireless test group. “We thank GTI for this recognition.

    GTI recognized Keysight with the Innovative Breakthrough in Mobile Technology award for the company’s Keysight’s user equipment emulation (UEE) solutions and for its PROPSIM 5G Channel Emulation Solution. Keysight’s UEE solutions enable leading network equipment manufacturers (NEMs) and mobile operators to verify radio access networks deployed in complex radio environments using both radio and O-RAN fronthaul interfaces. Keysight’s comprehensive portfolio of channel emulators offers consistent fading capabilities across the device workflow to support cost-effective debugging, optimization and performance validation in a laboratory-based real-world environment.

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