
    Infineon again listed in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

    Infineon Technologies AG is one of the most sustainable publicly listed companies worldwide for the 13th consecutive year. As announced by the investment firm RobecoSAM,
    Infineon has once again been included in the Dow Jones SustainabilityTM World
    Index and in the Dow Jones SustainabilityTM Europe Index.

    “We are very pleased that Infineon has been chosen as one of the world’s most
    sustainable companies for the 13th time in a row. The repeated inclusion in the
    Dow Jones Sustainability Indices serves as an acknowledgment that we are on
    track with the implementation of our ambitious sustainability goals,” says
    Constanze Hufenbecher, Chief Digital Transformation Officer at Infineon. “Infineon
    is driving semiconductor innovation to support decarbonization and thus the global
    transformation to a net-zero society. The green and the digital transformations go
    hand in hand.”

    Infineon’s goal is to become CO2-neutral in terms of its own footprint by 2030. As
    soon as 2025, the company wants to reduce its CO2 emissions by 70 percent
    compared to 2019 and has achieved a reduction of 23.4 percent to date. By the
    end of 2022, the company’s US sites will follow its European sites in switching to
    electricity based on renewable sources.

    As a leading manufacturer of semiconductors for power electronic systems and
    the IoT, Infineon makes a significant contribution to the energy and mobility
    transitions on the way to a net-zero society. Infineon’s products and solutions help
    to save 33 times more CO2 emissions over the course of their usage than were
    created during their production. After deducting emissions generated during manufacturing, Infineon solutions thus make it possible to save 97 million tons of
    CO2 during their useful lives.

    Infineon scored extremely well in the area of Innovation Management this year,
    achieving the maximum number of possible points. The evaluation includes
    aspects like Research & Development, Product Innovation and also Process
    Innovation, for instance through digitalization and the application of Industry 4.0
    principles. Moreover, Infineon’s collaboration with partners academia, businesses
    and start-ups, in other words its contribution to open innovation, is also part of this

    The company actively involves employees and management in its sustainability
    strategy. The variable remuneration component for the Management Board, for
    example, also depends on progress made in achieving environmental, social, and
    corporate governance sustainability goals (ESG goals).

    The Dow Jones Sustainability Index is regarded as one of the most important
    benchmarks for sustainability and lists the world’s leading companies from 61
    industries. The assessment is based on the companies’ economic, environmental
    and social performance. Its objective is to help investors make informed decisions
    on how to align their portfolios more clearly with sustainability aspects, and to
    encourage companies to actively continue their efforts in connection with

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