
    Helping Engineers Succeed in Millimeter-wave Design Simulation and Measurement

    Extending signal analysis to millimeter-wave frequencies
    Developing off-the-shelf tools for extremely high frequencies requires Keysight’s proven blend of measurement science and millimeter-wave expertise. The N9041B UXA X-Series signal analyzer exemplifies the company’s unique expertise, providing continuous frequency coverage from 3 Hz to 110 GHz in a single sweep. Fully integrated instantaneous bandwidth is 1 GHz, and an IF output supports a maximum analysis bandwidth of 5 GHz when connected to an external Keysight oscilloscope. For those who are pursuing fleeting or elusive signals, the optional real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) capability has a maximum bandwidth of 250 MHZ.

    In the UXA, advanced front-end circuitry achieves low loss and efficient mixing, providing a displayed average noise level (DANL) as low as –150 dBm/Hz when characterizing wideband modulated signals in the millimeter-wave band. To eliminate compromises, the analyzer provides two input connectors. A robust and economical 2.4 mm input connector covers measurements up to 50 GHz, and the dedicated 1.0 mm input connector is machined to exact tolerances to ensure continuous sweeps and valid measurements up to 110 GHz.

    With these capabilities, the UXA is the flagship of Keysight’s X-Series signal analyzers. Each X-Series analyzer provides multi-touch functionality similar to that of a tablet or smartphone through a large display that is 14.2 inches diagonal in UXAmodels and 10.6 inches in the PXA, MXA, EXA and CXA.

    Measurement settings and displays are easily controlled using familiar gestures such as single or double tapping to select a parameter or expand a window; dragging and pinching to zoom and scale a display; and using press-and-hold to access context-sensitive selections. A single touch of an in-display menu panel, measurement bar, annotation hotspot, or drop-down window provides direct access to major parameters whether the task is simple spectrum analysis or complex digital demodulation (Figure 2).

    Figure 2. A single press on the menu panel (right) provides direct access to capabilities such as Keysight’s Noise Floor Extension (NFE) technology, which yields an improvement of up to 12 dB in spectrum analysis noise floor.

    In general, it takes no more than two touches to complete most operations. This enables rapid navigation of display capabilities and analysis functions without abandoning the natural feel of a traditional analyzer when making basic spectrum measurements. This type of accessible performance puts the user closer to the answers they seek by making it easier to link cause and effect.

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