
    Going Digital Event for Advancing Infrastructure Attracts 700 Attendees

    Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing infrastructure, recently held two of nine Going Digital events planned for 2018 in Mumbai & New Delhi. More than 700 infrastructure professionals attended to hear Kaushik Chakraborty, Vice President & Regional Executive SE Asia and India & Santanu Das, Senior Vice President, Design Engineering deliver the executive keynote in respective cities, focusing on how Bentley’s products and services help engineers, design institutes, contractors, and owner-operators advance their going digital strategies.

    Phil Christensen, SVP, Reality Modeling and Cloud Services presented the technology keynote, which included updates on Bentley’s iModel platform, a new paradigm for managing change that Bentley announced at the Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference in Singapore. iModelHub is a cloud service that provides project changes on a timeline and notifies project participants, based on their ProjectWise workflow configuration, about the availability of relevant changes. Participants can choose to synchronize to and from specific timeline milestones, and can visualize, summarize, analyze, and interpret the impact of ongoing changes. Without requiring changes to existing BIM applications of processes, the iModelHub cloud service:

    • synchronizes and distributes changes made through discipline-specific BIM applications;
    • aligns semantically and physically their consistent digital components; and
    • maintains immersive visibility for comprehensive and continuous design reviews across all project disciplines and participants.

    As the industry moves to deploying reality modeling on many of its projects, Rekha A., Sr. Application Engineer, Reality Modeling updated attendees on how ContextCapture accelerates the decision-making process by improving collaboration with outside agencies and services during the design, construction, operation, and inspection phases.

    Alan Lamont, VP, Advancement Academies, stressed on how Bentley Institute partners with industry organizations, project delivery firms, and owner-operators to advance project delivery and asset performance best practices through the Bentley’s knowledge-sharing initiative Digital Advancement Academies. He, also explained how Digital Advancement Academies ensure that BIM knowledge is shared and exchanged with industry, creating a lasting legacy that benefits professionals.

    The Going Digital event included informative industry tracks tailored to help users understand the opportunities for industry-focused infrastructure investment and learn how globally recognized professionals use Bentley software to meet the lifecycle demands of today’s infrastructure projects. Tracks included:

    • Oil and Gas
    • Road and Rail Transportation
    • Water and Wastewater

    The organizers of both the Going Digital events also invited users from the respective regions to recognize them for their outstanding projects nominated for last year’s Year in Infrastructure Awards program. More than 25 user organizations were felicitated at this ceremony.

    By the end of this information-rich, one-day event, attendees could to return to their respective organizations with an in-depth understanding of how to apply going digital strategies in their day-to-day work and improve the performance of infrastructure projects and assets from design through construction and operations.

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