
    Global Energy Demand: The Impact on Fuel Transformation

    Many countries established challenging global targets in the Paris Agreement to stabilize and lower carbon emissions and lessen climate change. The production of electricity is responsible for a sizable portion of these pollutants. Natural gas has been discussed by scientists as a potential transition fuel while renewable energies develop technologically and economically. Investing in natural gas can meet the global energy demand to achieve climate goals, even while it may aid in the energy transition by reducing emissions when compared to coal.

    Features of Global Energy Demand

    Strong demand for low-carbon and renewable fuels has been created by the global effort to make the energy transition. However, thermal power plants continue to be crucial for ensuring the security of the world’s electricity supplies. Therefore, it is necessary to lessen the environmental impact of thermal power plants. Several companies are coming together with several methods, including technologies for burning biomass and ammonia as well as ways to convert existing coal or oil-fired power plants to natural gas. Following are some of the features that can cater to global energy demand:

    Cleaning up Power Plants

    In comparison to burning coal or oil, switching to natural gas will result in a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions per kWh. With the installation of our low-NOx burner, a significant NOx reduction (relative to coal fire) can be obtained due to natural gas’ lower nitrogen concentration. Additionally, because natural gas has less sulfur and ash than other fuels, its emissions of SOx and ash will be close to nil.

    Greater flexibility and a reduction in the minimum load required for operation are also made possible by natural gas’s higher ramping rate and better ignition quality, making natural gas-fired power systems more compatible with renewable energy sources.

    Customizing Solutions

    Renovating for fuel conversion entails more than just changing the burner. It is necessary to assess how the conversion will affect the entire power plant and every piece of equipment inside of it. Companies with both opposing and corner firing boilers as full-service Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) provider are equipped for fuel transformation on the large scale. They are equipped to meet various plant requirements, including output, stream flow, and environmental norms.

    Reducing Maintenance Costs & Operations

    Customer benefits from switching from coal- or oil-fired boilers to gas-fired boilers include:

    • Reduction of flue gas-induced corrosion and boiler tube deposits, improvement of the capacity factor and efficiency of the boiler, and reduction of fuel expenses as well as maintenance costs for the heating surface.
    • A decrease in O&M expenses because of the existing DeNOx catalysts’ extended lifetimes and the use of less ammonia. (In contrast to burning coal)
    • A decrease in O&M expenses for linked facilities because of the absence of the need to operate and maintain the current fuel supply and ash removal systems.

    Fuel Transformation: Catering to Global Energy Demand

    When fossil fuels are burned, a greenhouse gas called carbon dioxide is massively released into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases, which trap heat in our atmosphere, are to blame for global warming. The global temperature has raised by an average of 1 degree Celsius. More sea level rise, harsh weather, biodiversity loss, species extinction, food scarcity, deteriorating health, and poverty for millions of people globally are all concerns associated with warming exceeding 1.5°C.

    Renewable energy sources are the main topic of discussion in the transition to a decarbonized energy system. Initial circumstances for this transition could differ between areas and nations. However, there are also chances for novel approaches that make use of a variety of low-carbon energy sources and technological approaches. The concept of sustainable development is debatable and differs depending on the importance given to various social, economic, and environmental objectives. To speed up action in the short to medium term, the one-size-fits-all sort of solution paradigm needs to be expanded with fuel transformation.

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