
    Fuelling up power measurement and PT/CT measurement applications for high-voltage & GPM-8213

    Pertaining to the applications of AC or DC power measurements, power meter is one of the commonly used equipment. It is mostly used for measuring DUT’s standby power (low power) and power consumption (high power). For the measurement of power consumption (high power), there are often requirements, which are beyond power meter’s direct input measurement capability. Hence, the high voltage and large current to be measured can be reduced to the range that the power meter can measure via the voltage rate and current rate of external devices such as potential transformer (PT or VT) and current transformer (CT).

    The actual power measurements can be restored by using the voltage rate scales and current rate scales provided by the power meter.

    GPM-8213 provides the configurations of voltage rate scales and current rate scales that allow users to quickly and easily restore the actual voltage and current measurements and display the actual power values. For the connection methods between GPM-8213 power meter and external devices as well as the configurations of the voltage rate and current rate, please refer to the following description:

    For DC system

    DC system ~ VT / CT example
    Company: LEM

    • VT : Voltage Transducer
      • Model : CV 3-1000
    • CT : Current Transducer
      • Model : IT 1000-S/SP1 Ultrastab

    GWI 1

    For AC system

    GWI 2

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