The challenges of technological advancement
The title of the keynote is ‘My Minecraft-Smart-Home: Prototyping the Internet of Uncanny Things’. “Software solutions and everyday objects are becoming increasingly smarter, taking on more responsibility, and they know more and more about us and our intentions. But what does this mean for developers and in what ways does it affect the user? How can we foster the understanding and expertise necessary for the Internet of Things?” asks Wolter. His presentation explores the typical challenges of the Internet of Things and inspires with wacky and at times uncanny examples. He will also present the prototype of an ideational hardware and software based on visual programming languages, games like Minecraft and several IDEs live on stage. Naturally, there is evidence that this pragmatic approach can also be applied to real projects that use Internet of Things platforms and Smart Home solutions such as Google Weave, Eddystone Beacons, Eclipse SmartHome, openHAB and QIVICON.