
    element14 Now Stocking the Aim TTi LDH400P Electronic Load CAT II rated for High Voltage load testing

    element14, The Development Distributor, is now stocking the LDH400P Electronic Load from Aim TTi, manufacturers of advanced electronic test and measurement equipment and laboratory power supplies, specifically for electronic design engineers.

    The LD series features electronic loads which are suitable for testing and characterising a wide variety of DC power sources. They can be used to investigate the behavior of many different types of power source, such as PFCs, batteries, solar cells and electronic power supply units. Wide voltage/current range, multiple operating modes and built-in transient generators also give users versatility to offer test solutions from the design laboratory through to the component test area.

    As LDH400P load inputs are rated to CAT II (300V), direct testing of PFCs and main connected power supplies can be done without the need for an isolation transformer, saving bench space and cost.

    Key features include:
    • Versatile solutions for direct testing of DC power sources and PFCs
    • Constant current, resistance, conductance and power modes
    • Wide voltage and current range, 10 to 500V and 0 to 16A
    • 400 watts continuous dissipation at 28°C (360W at 40°C)
    • High resolution and accuracy for level setting
    • Built-in transient generator with variable slew
    • Current monitor output for waveform viewing
    • Variable drop-out voltage for battery testing
    • High resolution backlit graphic LCD with soft key control
    • Analogue remote control of levels and TTL control of on/off and transient switching
    • Front and rear input terminals
    • Load inputs rated to CAT II (300V)
    • Full bus control via USB, RS232, GPIB and LXI compliant LAN interfaces

    The Aim TTi LDH400P Electronic Load is now available to buy from Farnell element14 in Europe, Newark element14 in North America, and element14 in Asia Pacific.

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