
    DZ cards enhanced security and improved time-attendance management with matrix access control solutions

    dzcards_Application diagram

    Project Highlight:

     Renowned for its excellence in manufacturing plastic cards of premium quality, excellent customer service and fast delivery, DZ cards required advanced Access Control, Time-Attendance and Visitor Management solutions. Matrix aided the company with its well-engineered security solutions.

    No of Employees: 300+

    No of Access Zones: 10+

    No of UnitsInstalled: 20 door controllers and 20 exit readers

    Applications Used: Access Control, Time-Attendance and Visitor Management

    About DZ Cards:

    Founded in 1971, DZ cards began with printing computer forms and security to printing plastic cards like VISA, Master Cards, ISO Certified Cards, etc. With an annual supply of more than 500 million plastic cards to customers across the globe, cards havenow become a core product for the company.

    Business Challenges:

    Employee punctuality and access control were the most important parameters for the company as far as productivity and security were concerned. They already had a Time-Attendance and Access Control system implemented which, however, was unable to provide them with satisfying results. In order to overcome problems such as limited Access Control functionality, Time-Attendance reports with limited information, hardware repair issues, multiple shifts management issue, poor after sales support and high replacement costs, the company was looking for a vendor that could provide them with a more reliable solution.

    The company was looking for a Time-Attendance and Access Control solution with advanced features such asFire-Alarm integration, Zone based access etc. for around 300 users. They wanted the solution to provide them with software that could be hosted on their central server.

    Solution Offered:

    As a solution, Matrix proposed the customer with a range of COSEC products which could take care of their security andother challenges. An extensive demonstration of the products was conducted after the proposal for the customer, which gave them an idea of how the solution would perform and benefit them in the long run.

    Every device installed in various zones has been connected with magnetic locks and Turnstile gate in order to restrict unauthorized entry and enhanced security. Some of the important aspects that attracted the customer to Matrix’s product range were the products’ aesthetics and software features applicable for multiple locations. Matrix helped company achieve the following:


    • Centralized Management of all Locations for Time-Attendance
    • Integration with Turnstile Gate and Fire Alarm System
    • Centralized Monitoring and Control of all Devices
    • Auto Data Push to the Central Server
    • Configuration ofAdvance Access Control Features



    • FasterFingerprint Recognition
    • Enhanced Security ateach Zone
    • Reduction in Overall Authentication Time
    • Easy Tracking ofeach Visitor Movement
    • Centralized Monitoring and Control


    Products Offered:



    For more information on MATRIX COMSEC, go to-

    About Matrix

    Established in 1991, Matrix is a leader in Telecom and Security solutions for modern businesses and enterprises. An innovative, technology driven and customer focused organization; Matrix is committed to keep pace with the revolutions in the telecom and security industries. With more than 40% of its human resources dedicated to the development of new products, Matrix has launched cutting-edge products like Video Surveillance solutions, Access Control, Time-Attendance, IP-PBX, Universal Gateways, Terminals, Convergence solution, VoIP Gateways and GSM Gateways. These solutions are feature-rich, reliable and conform to the international standards. Having global foot-prints in Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Africa through an extensive network of more than 500 channel partners, Matrix ensures that the products serve the needs of its customers faster and longer. Matrix has gained trust and admiration of customers representing the entire spectrum of industries. Matrix has won many international awards for its innovative products.

    To find out and learn more about the well-engineeredproducts and solutions offered by Matrix,for optimizing your business processes, visit the company website,



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