
    Data Acquisition System Protects Smart Grid Equipment from Harmful Faults

    adi_logo_3200x2000_300dpi-center-png__1200x750_q95_cropAnalog Devices has introduced a data acquisition system (DAS)that enhances smart grid equipment monitoring in order to protect equipment from harmful system faults and improve power delivery to residences and businesses. As electricity demand grows and renewable energy generation is added, utility companies must increase the scope, granularity and accuracy of monitoring points across the distribution grid.  Current data acquisition systems often require complex design work and expensive integration that can exceed the needs of the application. The new DAS supports Class 0.2 measurement accuracy and enables the development of faster, more sensitive and affordable fault detection equipment that helps protection relay operators minimize the high costs associated with repairing and replacing damaged components.

    The AD7616 DAS simplifies designs and lowers system costs by reducing the need for multiple parts in high channel count applications by integrating dual simultaneous sampling of 16 channels. The AD7616 operates from a single 5 V supply and can accommodate ±10 V, ±5 V, and ±2.5 V true bipolar input signals while sampling at throughput rates up to 1 MSPS per channel pair. Additionally, the device’s input structure eliminates the need for additional external protection circuits or external signal conditioning that add cost. On-chip filtering and high input impedance (1M ohm) eliminate the need for driver op-amps and external bipolar supplies. High accuracy on-chip ADCs provide a 90 dB SNR, enabling Class 0.2 measurement accuracy compliance and producing more accurate, reliable, time coherent data. Higher SNR performance of 92 dB can be achieved by using the on-chip oversampling mode.

    TheAD7616 DAS is suitable for a range of distribution applications such as relay protection for low-voltage distribution and feeder terminal units.  The new device is also ideal for multiphase motor control and industrial instrumentation applications.

    Product Pricing and Availability

    Product ADC


    ADC Channels Samples


    Full Production Price Each Per 1,000 Packaging
    AD7616 16-bit 16 Now October 2016 $11.96

    80-lead LQFP package


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