
    Connected Security turns up as the new wave of evolution

    Security installations are becoming increasingly important – right across the world. To achieve adequate levels of security, individuals, institutions and buildings must constantly meet new standards. And, in 2020, Light + Building will be making ‘Connected Security’ a central focus of the trade fair. The Intersec Building platform, a congress format and a special-interest guide will provide discussion, information and orientation.

    It was only yesterday that thick-panelled doors, lockable window catches and steel-walled safes represented the current standard. Today, this is no longer enough. Not least, indeed, because things that need protecting are no longer just material items. Networks and data streams are non-material things, but are, nevertheless, in many instances, of inestimable value. Particularly when you attempt to calculate the maximum costs of losses, it becomes clear that security systems will, in future, also need to involve strategies for protecting digital infrastructures even more closely.

    Digital protection, moreover, means a lot more than just the security of ones and zeros. Surveillance, access control and data protection are all equally essential. Particularly so when technological security installations are linked with each other and with all the building services technology. As a result, electronic security technology has become an integral component of the ‘smart home’ and the ‘smart building’.

    “Connected security systems are an integral component of the technical building infrastructure.”

    Iris Jeglitza-Moshage, Senior Vice President at Messe Frankfurt

    The better all the security system components interoperate, the more effective they are. The same is true of the linking of security technology with other technical building installations. Interfaces, standards, planning and integration are, therefore, all crucial factors. Experts in the field will find common ground at this, the world’s largest trade fair for electrical building infrastructure.

    As a central concern for the sector and for users, ‘Connected Security’ will occupy a prominent position amongst the main topics covered under the heading ‘Connecting’. A dedicated guide ensures that visitors find their way to products and services related specifically to security. This not only includes a list of all suppliers of security technology, with details where they are to be found at the trade fair, it also includes descriptions and timings of relevant events and promotions. “Connected security is an integral component of the technical building infrastructure. And that, too, is a reason why it is included in the product portfolio of a whole range of exhibitors to be found in all areas at Light + Building. At the same time, we shall be concentrating the range of security technology products, services and know-how in a few particular hot spots,” says Iris Jeglitza-Moshage, Senior Vice President at Messe Frankfurt. Here, she is referring, for example, to the special-interest theme of ‘Emergency Lighting’ in Hall 8.0, or the international platform for connected security technology in Hall 9.1 – Intersec Building.

    As a part of Light + Building, Intersec Building, with its international leaders in the security market, such as ABI-Sicherheitssysteme, ABUS, Gretsch-Unitas, Hikvision and Mobotix, will be bridging the gaps between theoretical knowledge and practice. There will, moreover, be plenty of examples of integrated security technology in many of the other halls at Light + Building.

    Karsten Nölling, Chair of the Senior Management Team at KIWI – another exhibitor of technological security systems – stresses the significance of the product segment: “When it comes to connected security, we are all still at day one. There are lots of good systems, but they have, for the most part, been designed as isolated solutions for individual applications. That includes alarm systems just as much as electronic locking systems. We are going to see increasing interlinking of systems in this area over the next few years – particularly in situations that involve several suppliers. Intersec Building has picked up on the trend for interconnected products and processes early and is systematically extending its coverage.”

    The conference in Hall 9.1 acts as a central interface for information about this special-interest product group. It will focus on interconnected security technology in building automation. At the last ISH, the 2019 conference, already the fourth in the series, offered two packed conference days of expert lectures and professional discussion. Altogether, 320 participants from the planning and installation sectors, as well as operators of connected security installations, took advantage of the opportunity to gather information and discuss with other professionals, including manufacturers, developers and researchers.

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