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    CommunicAsia ‘17: IoT & Smart Driving Innovation by STMicroelectronics

    • STM32 ODE reduces time-to-market by simplifying and accelerating product development
    • ST delivers safer, greener, and more connected technologies for Smarter Driving

    Come May 23-15, 2017 at CommunicAsia, Marina Bay Sands Singapore, and witness STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader across the spectrum of electronics applications, demonstrating its latest pioneering solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Driving at CommunicAsia, Marina Bay Sands Singapore, May 23-25, 2017.

     A premier sourcing and knowledge ICT platform in Asia, CommunicAsia is the assembly of industry and technology leaders promoting closer partnerships for the IoT. A pioneer at Smart solutions and IoT, ST will showcase its rich portfolio of solutions for making Things and Cities Smarter in the event. The event will witness underscored Smart Driving solutions by ST that are making vehicles safer, greener, and more connected.

    ST will showcase its STM32 Open Development Environment, which combines modular hardware with comprehensive software offering an open, flexible, easy, and affordable way to prototype and develop Smart Things and IoT applications with STM32 microcontrollers and other leading-edge ST components for sensing, control, connectivity, and more.

    The Smart-Driving pod at the ST booth demonstrates the Company’s broad range of products for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Enabling strong progress toward autonomous driving, ST’s automotive solutions target applications that include V2X (Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) communication, machine vision, radar, automotive-qualified MEMS motion sensing, telematics and connected driving services using ST’s Telemaco3 single-chip processors, and navigation with the TESEO family of Systems-on-Chips.

    The ST booth will also feature several customers’ end products and demos with ST technologies inside including:

    • SandPuppy FITBELT –a smartphone-controlled, electronic heating belt with a deep, penetrating heat and micro-vibration for on-the-move back-pain relief. The device embeds ST’s low-power microcontroller (STM32L0), Bluetooth low energy (BLE) network processor (BlueNRG-MS), and a high-side driver (VN5012AK-E).


    • Autotalks’ V2X Virtual Reality (VR) demo – Using VR goggles, users can experience close-up how Craton2, Autotalks’ V2X chipset realized in collaboration with ST, enables automotive safety applications such as Emergency Brake Warning, Collision Warning, or averting unauthorized access to the vehicle.

    Other demo highlights include:

    • STM32H7 microcontroller-based demos on graphics and processing performance;
    • IoT device authentication with a remote server using the STSAFE-A100 Secure Element;
    • Advanced voice-processing and -transfer platform (BlueCoin) using ST’s MEMS microphones and a BLE processor
    • Satellite solutions in application areas including consumer broadband satellite modems.

    These demos and more will be on show at Booth 5H4-01, Level 5, on May 23-25, 2017, in Marina Bay Sands Singapore.

    For more information, visit

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