
    Collaboration for Developing Atomic Energy for Peaceful Use

    India is recognized globally as a nation with advanced nuclear technologies. India has developed comprehensive capabilities in all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle namely; mining, uranium production, fuel fabrication, nuclear power production, spent fuel reprocessing, and waste management.

    So far Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) for co-operation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy have been signed with the following eighteen(18) countries: Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Czech Republic, European Union, France, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Namibia, Republic of Korea, Russia, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vietnam and Ghana.   Currently, India has active participation with the US, France, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Canada in the area of Nuclear Energy.

    Currently, there is no collaboration with Israel on nuclear energy.  The Government has accorded ‘in-principle’ approval of sites at Kovvada in Andhra Pradesh and ChhayaMithiVirdi in Gujarat for setting up nuclear power plants in cooperation with the United States of America.

    This information was given by Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions and Prime Minister’s Office, Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply in Rajya Sabha

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