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    Centre is Working to Extend a R&D Wing under Semicon Research Centre

    The government is planning to establish a dedicated research and development (R&D) wing under the proposed India Semiconductor Research Centre (ISRC). This R&D wing will focus on semiconductor research that can quickly transition into industrial production, according to sources.

    A senior government official mentioned the need for full-time R&D personnel in both the private and public sectors, especially in the semiconductor space. The objective is to create an intellectual property right (IPR) driven manufacturing ecosystem, and there is consideration of co-funding or a public-private partnership (PPP) for some of the R&D activities.

    It’s important to note that the dedicated R&D wing will operate independently from other research work under the ISRC, which typically has a longer project gestation period. The ISRC will concentrate on R&D efforts to develop the next generation of semiconductors, packaging and systems technologies, processes, and materials.

    Further details about the scheme are expected to be announced after the general elections in June. Depending on the feasibility of the scheme, the dedicated R&D centre may eventually become an independent entity, according to another official.

    ELE Times Report
    ELE Times Report
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