
    Bluetooth connects Fibre splicer to cleaver

    Wirelessly connecting to the CT50 fibre cleaver using Bluetooth technology, the 41S enables a range of pioneering functions that will improve the overall installation time, cost and efficiency for operators.

    Compared to its predecessor the 22S, the 41S has been upgraded and offers installers the convenience of a 5” colour touch-panel display,improved v-groove illumination and the benefit of easy splice protector positioning.

    The machine re-assures users of reliable splice results using CORE loss estimation using Warm Image Splicing Technology. The issue of poor fibre cleaving due to worn, incorrectly adjusted or damaged cleaver blades is conveniently dealt with.

    When the 41S detects a high cleave angle or bad end shape, it sends a blade position change instruction to the cleaver. The CT50 cleaver then rotates the cleaver blade automatically to the next position, restoring optimum cleaving performance.

    By utilising the low radio power of Bluetooth technology, other equipment nearby will not be interfered with. Operators can benefit from the “always on” technology due to the low power consumption of the Bluetooth, which means that batteries can last for several months.

    In addition to cleave performance, the smart splicer can also wirelessly monitor battery and power usage of the CT50 cleaver. The 41S comes enabled with a touch screen menu as standard, but also maintains the traditional easy-to-use hard button navigation system.

    The splicer retains all of the unique, class-leading features from the current high-performance flagship line-up of Fujikura splicers, including: quick splice and heat times, fully ruggedized features, and user customizable settings.

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