
    Bentley’s Structural Detailing Application Perk-Up Building Design Workflows

    Bentley Systems’ structural detailing application, ProStructures, which includes the capabilities of ProSteel and ProConcrete applications, significantly improves the workflow between structural detailing and building design disciplines and supports information exchange across teams with full support for the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard.

    Since ProConcrete is now integrated with AECOsim Building Designer, users can place rebar and create rebar details directly in AECOsim Building Designer models. Referencing the original concrete models coming from AECOsim Building Designer in ProConcrete reduces the need to remodel the concrete components, thus avoiding errors and omissions. This new workflow also saves users valuable time by reducing the level of effort in managing models between structural detailing and building design applications.

    Additionally, users can now generate and export steel, concrete, and rebar information with ProStructures in full fidelity with the IFC (CV2x3) standard. IFC data models are commonly used for data exchange in the building and construction industries. The view supports clash detection, project review, scheduling, quantity take-off, and more. Users can open IFC compliant files in supported host applications and in IFC viewers to support design reviews.

    Rui Pedro Mota, senior site architect, and BIM specialist, ISQ, said, “AECOsim Building Designer and ProStructures is outstanding technology for project and construction development. Their interoperability helps us to respond to 21st-century challenges and advance our coordination in order to achieve our project goals on the new development of Oecuse Airport in Timor-Leste.”

    Santanu Das, senior vice president, design modeling, Bentley Systems, said, “Driving increased value and enhancing our users’ workflows are continuous objectives at Bentley. With the recent release of ProStructures, which now includes ProConcrete, we have enabled users to place and create rebar directly in the building model without having to transfer data and information manually – which ultimately reduces cost, risk, and errors. We have also made it easier for our users to exchange information across teams by further extending ProStructures’ interoperability through full support for the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard. Users are excited about these new enhancements, and with over 1,000 new ProConcrete users added recently, the application is demonstrating excellent momentum among reinforced concrete design professionals.”

    About ProStructures

    ProStructures steel and concrete design applications efficiently create accurate 3D models for structural steel, metal work, and reinforced concrete structures. ProStructures lets users create design drawings, fabrication details, and schedules that automatically update whenever the 3D model changes. ProStructures is built by experienced design engineers and includes ProSteel and ProConcrete.

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