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    Azul Systems enhances Zulu Embedded to support 32-bit ARM processors

    • Zulu Embedded, Azul’s 100% open source Java Virtual Machine based on OpenJDK, now supports 32-bit ARM® processors, the most popular processor architecture for embedded systems
    • Zulu Embedded with ARM 32-bit support targets embedded systems developers who want a high performance, Java SE standards compliant and fully tested Java solution for their existing and next-generation designs
    • Zulu Embedded offers a flexible pricing model without licensing fees, greatly reducing the costs associated with embedded Java deployments
    • Azul provides support and customization options to meet the specific requirements of embedded customers


    EMBEDDED WORLD 2016 and SUNNYVALE, Calif., February 23, 2016 — Azul Systems (Azul), the award-winning leader in Java runtime solutions, today announced that Zulu Embedded, Azul’s open source Java Virtual Machine (JVM) based on OpenJDK, now supports 32-bit ARM processors, the dominant processor architecture for embedded designs. For manufacturers in the embedded, mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) markets, Zulu Embedded provides a proven Java platform that is 100% open source, Java SE standards compliant, fully certified by Azul, and requires no licensing fees.  Originally introduced in 2013, Zulu Embedded now ships in millions of embedded devices.

    The ARM architecture is the world’s most widely deployed processor platform for embedded, mobile, and IoT applications. Java is the world’s most popular programming language, with over 9 million developers worldwide and over 3 billion Java devices shipped.  Zulu Embedded is 100% open source and is based on OpenJDK, the Java Community project where Java is developed and evolved. Azul’s Zulu Embedded support offerings allow developers to utilize a Java SE standards compliant package built to meet the specific configuration requirements for a given device or application. Each Zulu Embedded build is verified by Azul using the Java Community Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) and incorporates the latest OpenJDK bug fixes and security patches. Zulu Embedded now supports processors based on the ARM v6, v7 and 32-bit v8 architectures, as well as continuing support for x86 32 and 64-bit processors.

    Industry perspectives

    Dominic Pajak, Marketing Director, Embedded Segments, ARM said; “Highly efficient 32-bit ARM processors power a diverse range of embedded applications in automotive, TV, gateways, payment systems, and more. OpenJDK-based products like Zulu Embedded greatly enhance the Java development experience and add to the wide choices in the ARM ecosystem.”

    “We’re excited that with Zulu Embedded’s upcoming support for ARM32, the work Microsoft and Azul are doing to bring the latest Java and OpenJDK support to Windows IoT Core will enable Java developers to use their language of choice on their Windows IoT board of choice.” Billy Anders, Director of Program Management for Windows IoT at Microsoft.

    “As an open source option for Java virtual machines, Zulu Embedded provides developers with flexibility for designs running Wind River Linux and binary ready Wind River Pulsar Linux Platforms.  With each new development, Azul Systems continues to create new opportunities that help Wind River Linux customers quickly and easily tackle a wide range of projects, now including support for those based on 32-bit ARM processors,” said Dinyar Dastoor, General Manager of Operating Systems at Wind River.

    Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of Eclipse Foundation said; “Today Azul made Java on 32-bit ARM more accessible. By using Zulu Embedded on 32-bit ARM processors, the global community of Java developers are assured of a high-quality foundation for their Java implementations leveraging the latest advances in OpenJDK.”

    “Internet of Things applications require performance at a reasonable cost for edge computing, which Azul has enabled with its support for the 32-bit ARM architecture,” said Christian Renaud, Research Director, Internet of Things, 451 Research. “With Zulu Embedded, Azul Systems has built a strategic bridge between the large emerging IoT application demand and the extensive community of Java developers.”

    Scott Sellers, president and CEO of Azul Systems, said; “ARM is the world’s most deployed processor architecture, and Java is the world’s most popular programming language.  Java on ARM is a natural fit, yet licensing costs and field of use restrictions have slowed Java’s adoption in high volume devices.  Zulu Embedded with 32-bit ARM support now enables developers and product managers targeting embedded, mobile, and IoT devices access to a 100% open source, Java SE compliant, ‘drop-in’ replacement for legacy JVMs.”

    Contact Azul Systems at for further information regarding early access to Zulu Embedded with 32-bit ARM support. For additional information regarding Azul’s embedded offerings, visit

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