
    Artificial Intelligence, rolling out as our future and current reality

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has a future tech reputation that can probably speak for itself, but it has a great impact on our current life

    Keeping spam out of our email box may be one of the more obvious (and welcome) AI integrations. If one is a social media savvy, he probably doesn’t take the appearance of coordinated advertising across most platforms to be coincidental.


    If it’s not enough to know that AI is the perpetrator behind the most visible factors screaming for one’s attention and money via marketing, enter the competition for our government choices. The phrase and reality of “fake news” have haunted society long enough, and social media companies are playing catchup trying to limit both its purveyance and impact via AI.

    In prior years, the validity of a news piece was mostly subject to human fact-checking, a practice in itself potentially riddled with the same bias and inaccuracies as the “fake news” it seeks to correct. With machine learning (a process that creates AI), researchers are seeking alternative data sources, such as content structure, keyword use, headline choice, and engagement to rank the validity of news articles. Current results signal more training data is still needed, but as such data increases, so will the accuracy.

    Twitter’s recent dump of millions of state-sponsored troll bot account tweets is only one of numerous examples of AI’s darker side.


    Artificial intelligence is a big part of universe search, too. The events which followed the big bang contained within them all the secrets of time and space, specifically how they were created, and thus, the blueprint of all existence.

    Combine the power of AI with the theory that a solar system-sized collider could reveal the inner workings of the big bang, and there you have it. The answer to life, the universe, and everything, brought to you by artificial intelligence.

    It’s been predicted over and over again that AI is a huge part of the future of humanity, but the reality is that it’s also a big part of the present. As we become more adjusted to life where computers are constantly improving on their ability to imitate our intelligence.

    ELE Times Research Desk
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