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    Apple to make iPhone 14 in India

    Apple will manufacture its new flagship smartphone in India, the US tech giant said Monday, as it seeks to diversify production away from a dependence on China.

    The iPhone supply chain is based mainly in China but the country’s zero-Covid policies and tensions with the United States have hurt production, analysts say.

    “We’re excited to be manufacturing iPhone 14 in India,” Apple said in a brief statement.

    The California-based firm already makes older iPhone models in India via Taiwanese manufacturers such as Foxconn, which has a factory in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.

    The latest announcement comes just weeks after Apple launched new smartphones. The tech behemoth is commencing production of the iPhone 14 in India much earlier than it did for previous models.

    Over the last couple of years, it has been increasingly diversifying its supply chain to India.

    About 7.5 million iPhones—around three per cent of Apple’s global production—were made in India last year, the analyst added.

    Apple expects that the local production of iPhones could reach more than 11 million this year.

    Apple’s announcement will be a boost to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Make in India” strategy under which he has urged foreign businesses to manufacture goods in the South Asian nation.

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